Thursday, February 5, 2015

Cheating Pain in New Zealand with a PaddleAir Ergo

In 2004 PaddleAir founder, Dave Hilts invented a solution to the surfer's dilemma of rib/sternum/back/shoulder pain when paddling. Not only was pain relieved, but paddling was easier and more powerful. In 2008, Dave launched the second-generation PaddleAir -- Ergo. Now the Ergo comes in four great styles, each with the patented, adjustable air bladder to aid paddling and help ease the nagging pains associated with the sport.
The Four Styles of Ergo
Today the Ergo by PaddleAir is helping surfer's around the world as the following unsolicited letter from New Zealand attests:
Hi Dave,

Steve from New Zealand here.

I’ve been meaning to get back to you about your vests for days. I bought your [PaddleAir} Ergo vest because it looked like a good fix for my sternum issue.

Well the sore sternum was history as soon as I paddled out: what I was completely unprepared for was how much the Ergo improved my paddling! It felt like I’d had breast implants at first until I let a little air out, but I noticed straight away how early I was getting into waves (on a 5’ 8” hybrid). I had noticeably more paddling speed and definitely more paddle power. 
A guy I know paddled up to me and said “That little board of yours is working really good for you” I said thanks but what I really felt like saying was “It ain’t the board mate--it’s the vest!”

Well after 3 surfs, one in pretty solid overhead and rippy conditions on the same 5’ 8” I have to say the Ergo is a secret weapon, it’s so good I feel like I’m cheating! And I’m only half as rubbed after a surf!

Thanks again Dave, you are a genius!

Steve B. Senior Producer | Current Affairs

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